I just got back from school. Killian was sick and had to come home. He’s looking pretty pale and feeling really crummy.
Thanks for all the kind comments on my pottery yesterday. I just love playing with clay. I talked to my mom yesterday and she decided that she needs a kiln in her basement (she does amazing work!) and I told her I thought it was a brilliant idea. Here’s hoping we can find one cheap!
Other than the the sick run, my day is filled with happiness and light. Lots of light. Here in GR, there isn’t a cloud in the sky, the sun is shining, the snow is getting a little melty and I actually saw signs of wildlife.
Other fabulous attributes of my day include:
Awesome Anny who reminded me that I haven’t had my vitamins since this whole kidney thing started over a month and a half ago. DUH. Long story, but it involves schedules and drug interactions.
Benevolent Brynn who brought me a sun lamp this morning. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, she is that fantabulous!
Cute Catness. This is Nimue (aka Mewford, Mewmew, The Queen of Sheba and Goddess of the
Bathtub.) She’s eighteen years old this month. Hubby and I got her from the pound shortly before our second anniversary. If anyone’s doing the math, yes…I was a child bride. Nimue sits next to me on the arm of the couch all night long and keeps me company while I work.
In fact, last night she kept shooting me dirty looks, whenever I’d foghorn laugh at the insanity going on at Novel Talk last night. I had an absolute blast there last night with Brynn and Dakota and some of the NT regulars. What an awesome group! I can’t wait to go back there and hang out some more!
OH!! I can’t believe I almost forgot! I also got a stellar review from Joyfully Reviewed for Solstice Seduction! Here’s the most awsomest part:
Solstice Seduction features a delicious hero that could be any woman’s fantasy. What better match than a man who knows he’s sinned, but cannot find a way to redeem himself, and a woman who believes God has abandoned her? Author Bronwyn Green writes a tale as hot as it is fantastic. Taliesin proves himself to be more than just a pretty face, and a perfect hero. Emerson is a loveable heroine you can feel for. This is just book one in the series. I hope to read more.
And here’s the link if you want to read the rest. http://www.joyfullyreviewed.com/reviews/Feb08/SolsticeSeduction.BG.html
All right…Nimue says I must get to work and harangue Jen Armintrout into working on the Alan Rickman Literacy Project.
Excellent review! I’m glad you’re feeling better
I tried to join you on the chat, but Windows kept kicking me off. Le sigh.>Congratulations on the great review!
Sunny days…ahh. There is nothing like them.>>Hope thing one feels better soon!
Congrats on the great review. Love baby kitty:)>Sandra
Wow! Fantastic review.>>Glad you had a fabulous day.
I could have sworn that I commented on your blog earlier. Ah, it’s the case of the vanishing comment. Sigh.>>Excellent review! Glad the sun was shining for you!
I just reread this, Bron, and noticed kitty was 18! You are a great kitty mom:) Kudos.>Sandra
I love it when you get a great review. You are always so surprised. It cracks me up cause I think, OF COURSE!>>Keep us updated on how the vitamins and lamp are helping out.
Congrats on the AWESOME review!!! Yeah the chat was great good fun. Can’t wait for another.