Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

How the hell is it the last Friday of September…I don’t even…


Anyway, last month, I said I wanted to:

  • Finish all scheduled audio preps. (Yep)
  • Finish all scheduled edits. (Yep)
  • Finish and submit that freaking short story! (Nope, but I finally took Alex’s advice and put it on hold.)
  • Work on my new Bound book. (YES!!!)
  • Work on my project with my girl, Jen. (Doing research!)
  • Get ready for my FB Book Club event for REWRITTEN. (Yep)
  • Get ready for my October 1st bookstore chat and signing. (Yep)
  • Get ready for my TRIP TO BOSTON (I’m getting there)

So, for October, I want to:

  • Finish all scheduled audio preps. 
  • Finish all scheduled edits.
  • Work on the new Bound book.
  • Do more research for the Jen project.
  • Start knocking out Christmas presents. Tis the season to start crafting!

Be sure to check out Jess’ goals and share some of your goals for October!

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