Good news! I’m doing a little better on the self-care front. And on the making time for my own projects front. And, as I’ve discovered, sometimes, that means saying no to other things. Like…the song fic, this month.
These were my goals last month:
- Continue to make daily progress on the WIP. Yep. And I’m pleased with the direction that it’s going.
- Finish all scheduled blog posts. Nope. I just didn’t have the braining ability to do the flash fic and work on my book. The book won.
- Finish all scheduled audio preps. Yep.
- Finish all scheduled edits. Yep.
- Finish the remaining Christmas presents. Hahahahahahahano.
- Practice good self-care. Yep.
- Have a blast with Jess when she comes to stay with me for two weeks! YESYSYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!
For next month, I plan to:
- Continue to make daily progress on the WIP.
- Finish all scheduled blog posts.
- Finish all scheduled audio preps.
- Finish all scheduled edits.
- Finish the remaining Christmas presents.
- Practice good self-care.
- Finish my newsletter story for Eden Books.
- Survive my Tell Me a Story experience in Lucy Score’s group on FB.
You can check out Jess’ goals here.
I had the BEST time at your place. And I’m super proud of us – writing every day, making our work a priority, doing better with the self-care… We’re kind of awesome. 🙂 HUGS
We really are!!! *HUGS*