That was the sound of me finishing my novel and turning it in. YAY!!!
You might have also heard the sound of extreme rage, terror and a little bittersweet happiness.
The terror came from my four-year old niece, Lexi, being rushed to the hospital because she stopped breathing. We still don’t know why it happened, just that it might be related to the RSV virus she had as an infant. She’s doing much better now and is home from the hospital being her normal Lexi self. She told me today that, “The ambulance ride was even better than the limo to Disney!” Yup, that’s our Lexi-Lou-Who.
The rage came from a phone call I just had with my sister-in-law. She beat the ambulance to the hospital and was explaining that to the security guard, telling him she didn’t know where to go and the guard’s response was, “Like I care.”
The guy works at the emergency room of a hospital. Who the hell says that – particularly to a parent whose child is coming in via ambulance??? My sil lost it and I don’t blame her a bit. I’m so enraged by this insensitivity I want to drive over there and kick his ass myself.
Deep breath.
Okay, the bittersweet happiness portion of this post. Killian, my oldest, graduated from 8th grade. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a cryer, but I did pretty well at the ceremony. The most moving part of the program was when they showed the powerpoint presentation of the kids all the way through middle school and their baby pictures too. It was so cute but a little sad too. The other part that killed me was when Kristin, Killian’s homeroom teacher, got up and read the poem she wrote for the kids. I adore that woman.
On Friday, right before dismissal, the 8th graders did what they call the 8th grade walk. They make a circuit of the whole school and all the teachers and kids come out at cheer for them. Parents are invited too and we all lined the halls. I’d say about 75% of the kids were sobbing as they made their way around (most of the parents were too.) I can’t tell you how many soggy hugs I got from those kids. Kohl, one of Killian’s close friends, had tears streaming down his face and came and gave me a giant bear hug. This is going to sound horribly sexist, but boy tears always break my heart a little bit more. Killian didn’t cry, but he did give me a big squishy hug. In. Public.
Before they did the walk, Kristin did something really cool. She had all 75 kids sitting in a circle in her room and they had the “No Regrets Meeting.” Basically, all the kids came out and said the things that they were a little squidgy about saying out loud but would regret if they didn’t say. Kohl told Killian that he hated it when Killian was absent because it made him feel like he was walking around half dressed all day. So sweet. I just love these kids.
I can’t believe I have a freshman in high school – but it’s waaaaaaaaaaaay better than the alternative. Now we just need to wait for the school of choice paperwork to come through so I can find out for sure where he’ll be attending next year.
I can not wait until the last day of school. Enough of this, already, I want summer fun with my kids!>>Hooray on the doneness of the novel. I saw a rainbow yesterday. That must have been it.
Driver’s ed can’t be far behind. bwa ha ha ha. Seriously, congratulations to the two of you. It’s a major milestone.>Yeah, old school pictures can be sad. They’ll never be that little (or innocent) again. One of the reasons Mr. Why-Aren’t-You-Writing hates to see old photos.>Sorry about Lexie. Let’s hope this was a one-time thing. Leave it to her to turn a scary ambulance ride (without Mom) into an adventure.>Your SIL should make some serious noise about the insensitivity she encountered. There is no excuse for such behavior.
Yup, boy tears get me too. Pretty much all boy stuff gets me teary though. >>I have tears in my eyes right now after reading what Kohl said to Killian. That has to be the best thing a best friend could ever possibly say out loud.>>*Sigh.>>I am a freakin’ crybaby lately.>>D
Send directions to the hospital…I’ll come help.>>Glad Lexi had fun in the ambulance and that’s what she is remembering most.>>What cool boys! Are they going to the same high school?
Congratulations on the finished novel!!!!!>>Glad Lexi is okay – hoping it’s a one time only thing – adventure is much better than scary. >>Security guard was way off base and should be reported to EVERYONE and I’ll help kick his ass. >>Hard to believe Killian is going into high school — wow. That has to be the coolest thing a friend can say.
I’m with you Bronwynn, boy hugs and boy tears will get me every time. I always seem to bond to my boys more than my girls. They become my homeroom club and hang out in the am to stay out of trouble in the halls. There have been times when I’ve fed them because I know they aren’t getting it at home or given them school supplies or whatever they needed. And my boys always took care of me too. Rowdy behavior was only tolerated so much when one of my boys would say, “Knock it off, guys, Mrs. R’s trying to teach us something.”
Excellent memories. I’ll never forget when my daughter “moved up” from elementary school to “jr high” in fifth grade. The kids all say “Wind beneath my wings” for the parents. No a dry eye in the house.
I’m still raging over that one. She’s FOUR. That her MOM! You had better start caring!!!>>Yay on the book being finished. 🙂 🙂
Add my name to the group who will come up and kick that security guard’s ass!>>When my oldest had to ride in the ambulance after being hit by a bat, we knew he was going to be okay because his first statement when we arrived was ‘Did you see the cute EMT who rode with me? She’s HOT!”>>I know how you feel. That child is now driving and getting ready to be a junior in HS…where did the time go?>>Absolutely cracked up when I saw Kohl’s remark. Reminds me of some of (my) K’s friends.
Congrats to Killian. Hugs to Lexi – I’m glad she’s okay.>>My youngest will be in 8th grade next year, so only one more year and then he’ll be in high school.>>My second youngest will be a senior in high school next year. Oh–my–God. I’m getting old.