First off, before I jump into the post, I want to introduce you to our newest and final member of our blogging team: Deelylah Mullin. She’s an author, editor, and all around nifty person. I think you’ll like her, too!
Now, on to the post.
Remember that episode of Friends where they all had a “freebie” list of five celebrities they could sleep with without it being considered cheating by their significant others? Welp, we decided to make our own lists.
As it turns out, this is harder than I would have expected. I mean, there are metric fuckton of attractive humans out there. Well, attractive and talented. And intelligent. There’s something about that combo that just works for me. Add in funny, and it’s all over.
Now, these are in no particular order, because unlike some people, *gives Jess Jarman the side-eye* I don’t play favorites.
Aidan Turner
Colin Morgan
Eoin Macken
Hugh Dancy
Nope. I don’t have a type. I have no idea what you people are talking about. Seriously. Move along. Off with you. Go see who the other bloggers fancy.
Are you sure there’s not even a little bit of a theme going on here? 😉 I’m going to have to do some research into some of these guys, cause HOT.
Nope. No theme at all. Clearly, you’re imagining things.
Ooof. That’s seriously an awesome list. *fans self*
Why, thank you, ma’am. 😀
4 out of 5 of these guys are from across the pond. Pretty sure there is a “no fly” list for the terroristic activity of dry humping that’s going to keep you from going to the UK.
There is something about this list that – well – makes me feel really old. What ever happened to Hugh Jackman? Hugh Grant? Sean Connery?(Is he still alive?) Harrison Ford? George Clooney Yeah, okay. So I am a bit older. But well, there is a peak at my list.
Oooo – I thought of another one that y’all should know. James Marsters!
Oh, I love James Marsters!
I like your list! And according to IMDB, Sean Connery is 86 and still kicking.
Daveed . . .*sigh* He’s so awesome. And yummy and talented and . . Hamilton!!! So’s Aidan Turner. Woo hoo. I watched parts of Poldark just to see him shirtless. LOL
I need to get on watching Poldark… 😀
Not in a relationship, but here’s my list ;D
– Gillian Anderson
– Oscar Isaac
– Aidan Turner (we can share)
– Kate McKinnon
I could actually go on for much longer.
Ha – you and me both with the much longer list. 😀 I’ll share Aidan with you, if you share Kate with me.
Sounds like a plan 😀