Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

The episode opens on a dark and stormy night (of course) with a mean looking bounty hunter pulling a cart with a cage on it into Camelot. Inside the cage is a beautiful young woman. The bounty hunter goes inside the tavern and leaves his prisoner out in the rain.  Merlin and Gaius who’ve been […]

Okay, so this episode opens with a blonde sorceress wearing one of Miranda Lambert’s cast off award show dresses and casting a spell that involves Arthur and scrying into this crystal which immediately got Fleetwood Mac’s Dreams stuck in my head. Meanwhile, back at Camelot, a knighting ceremony is going on and Uther waxes all […]

So this episode opens with Merlin being carelessly stupid (sorry, Jess) and despite living in a kingdom where people are routinely put to death for even being suspected of using magic, he decides to use magic to create a galloping horse from the smoke from a fire. Now, granted, he’s in the woods, but so […]

So this recap is actually two episodes long and the first two parter of the series. The first episode begins in a mountainside cave where a toady-looking little dude is muttering and stirring something in a cauldron – always a winning combo.  He scoops out some of the disgusting looking goop, puts it into a […]

This episode opens with Arthur helping Morgana onto her horse in preparation to make a pilgrimage to her father’s grave. We also see Gwen getting herself on her horse (servants don’t warrant assistance) while exchanging meaningful glances with Arthur. He tells them to return before dusk and Morgana and Gwen ride off with several knights […]

This episode opens with an ominous thunderstorm and Morgana sleeping fitfully. She’s apparently having magical dreams because the candle next to her bed spontaneously lights. Gwen enters with a pile of blankets, discovers Morgana already sleeping, extinguishes the candle, moves it to a table by the window and leaves. Morgana lights the candle again in […]

Yep… it’s recap time! This episode opens with a shot of a castle by the sea, so we know it’s not Camelot. Inside is a king (you can tell by the crown) looking at some knight gear artfully laid out on the table. A guard shows Myror, the assassin into the king’s room, and after […]

It’s time for another recap of the BBC’s Merlin! The episode opens with a work crew laboring with pick axes in the tunnels deep beneath Camelot in the dead of night. Because the dead of night seems like a great time for hard labor. As a side note, this whole things seems like a terrible […]

I can’t believe we’ve finished season one already.  I also can’t believe I’ve been religiously blogging for thirteen weeks straight without missing. Yay, Merlin Club pressure! 😀 This episode opens with Arthur, Merlin and four knights of Camelot creeping through the wood on a hunt as well as Arthur being annoyed with Merlin. Again. (And […]

It’s time for Merlin Club! I can’t believe we’re almost done with season one! The episode opens with a jaunty little marketplace scene. Tom, Gwen’s father, gives her a pretty pewter button then surprises her with a whole new dress. She’s immediately (and, as it turns out, rightfully so) suspicious about where the money came […]