Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky


My July goals were pretty simple. I wanted to:

Write a wedding ceremony that the bride and groom would both love.

(Nailed it…unless they lied to me to make me feel better.)

Officiate said wedding without turning into a sobbing pile of goo.

(Eh…I made it through with minimal crying.)

Make progress on my current story.

(I’ve written over 15K and I still have a few days to go. I’m determined to make it to 2oK.)

Keep up on my scheduled blog posts.

(Yepper. Though I still need to write a couple non-scheduled wrap-up posts.)

See Jenny Trout and her daughter perform in Annie.

(Did it and had a blast!)

Catch up on sewing and knitting projects.

(I put the finishing touches on the wedding dress and flower girl dress, made a top for me and a couple journal covers, and started a few other things.)

Read stuff that wasn’t editing or audio prepping.

(Five books.)

Kept up with client edits and audio preps.


Purged the clothes and bedding in my room.


Organized my sewing crap.


Reformatted, tweaked cover art, and re-released my YA.


But, you know what? I’m okay with all of this. The most important stuff got done, and I’m super pleased with the 15K that I wrote.

That’s not to say that I’m not still fighting the trifecta of depression, stress, and exhaustion, but I guess the important thing here is I’m still fighting. Or moving forward. Or something.

I think Jess is the only other one who posted the monthly check-in, so pop over and see what she’s been up to.


0 thoughts on “Monthly Goals Check-In: July 2017

  1. You’ve done AMAZINGLY this month! That’s a crazy-large lot of stuff that got done, you should be super proud! And it’s so cool that you not only did so much work stuff, you also did some fun things too – I kinda suck at the balance thing. And my organising my office etc is always the thing that does not happen too 🙂 xx

    1. Bronwyn says:

      Organizing is the wooooooorst. And thank you!

  2. Pansy Petal says:

    Good job! That purging clothes and bedding . . . so hard to do. I finally did my bedding this month. Sent it to my brother’s yard sale. Better in his barn than my house. 😉

    I have been doing the sorting and purging thing with everything as I unpack. Been here almost two months now and I am down to a few things in the dining room and then on to the craft room. That craft room . . . *sigh* There is a reason it was let til last. Next month’s big project.

    Loved the pics of the wedding and Jenny Trout in Annie. Thank you so much for sharing them.

  3. Pingback: July Check-in

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