Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky



Okay, so my life is spinning wildly and horribly out of control because of writing deadlines, editing deadlines, and life deadlines. You may be noticing a theme here. As a result of the seventh circle of hell that is now my life Merlin Club is gonna be super short this week.

Basically, Gwen is still under Morgana’s thrall due to an intense case of Magical Stockholm Syndrome™ and tries twice to murder Arthur and manages to frame Sam from Game of Thrones for the first attempt (then she straight up stabs him to keep him quiet) and frame Merlin for the second attempt. Merlin is thrown in jail, busts out of jail, saves Arthurs’s life, sneaks back into jail and is finally cleared. The End.


Okay, the questions…

1.)  If I’d written this episode… I would have make the evidence against Sam from Game of Thrones more damning than a spool of red thread. What? He’s the only person with red thread in all of Camelot!? I don’t think so, lazy writers.

2.) The thing I loved/hated most about this episode. I loved Emrys bitching out everyone. That was delightful.

3.) Something you never noticed about this episode before. How freaking obsequious Leon was toward Gwen when it looked like Arthur was going to die.

4.) Favorite costume. Gwen’s black cloak with the Kinsale style hood.

Gwen's Black cloak


5.) Here is some proof of some random head canon I’ve created. I didn’t create it, but I still really think that Morgana and Evil Gwen are getting it on.

6.) What Merthur moment did Jess have the naughtiest thoughts about? I don’t think she had naughty thoughts, but she was definitely moved but Merlin being terrified that he wasn’t going to be able to save Arthur.  (Actually, I  think pertinent body parts were moved when he said that spell in the almost Dragon Lord-y voice.) Oh, and I know she had naughty thoughts about Merlin waking up with his ass in the air.

Sadface MerlinMerlin Ass in Air

7.) What made Jen lose her shit  – in a good or bad way? In good way, she loved when Merlin, in his Emrys costume lets everyone in Camelot know what he really thinks of them.


Here’s Jess‘ take on the episode,  and here’s Jen’s

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