Sometimes, nobody gets you like your sister.
Sometimes, nobody gets you like your sister.
So, I’m recapping here because I can’t use the actual texts since you know…personal information and all. But anyway, Cait sent me an image of this check she wrote to my mom with the hashtag, #achievementunlocked. She owed my mom for some student loan payments my mom made when Cait’s bank was being shitty about […]
Some background on this text you’re about to see: My family’s nickname for me is T-Rex because my arms are short and I can’t reach shit. In fact, when I need something on an upper shelf, I yell, “T-Rex needs help!” and someone who’s taller than me needs to come reach stuff down for me. […]
I know, I know. I’m the worst blogger ever, lately. I’m so busy I forgot to tell you guys about my new release. I’m also super lame, because it came out 20 days ago. Seriously, that’s like almost three weeks ago. (Lame, lame, lame.) Vengeful Shadows is here, if you want to check it out. […]
So, I got a phone call from my mom the other day. Mom: Wanna hear about my big adventure? Me: Does it involve your girlfriend stealing a cop car? If not, it’s probably not gonna top Martin’s big adventure. Mom: No…but it does involve me getting trapped inside a restaurant bathroom. Me: Do tell. Mom: […]
I know, you’re all frantically checking your calenders to see if somehow you’d missed Prince William and Kate’s wedding. Nope – there was actually a better wedding this year. My baby brother Andrew got married Saturday. There was the usual wedding amusement. My nieces Madelynn and Lexi were the flower girls and Madelynn decided to […]