Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

I’d like to go on record as saying I hate the swine flu. My boys have been sick since Sunday. Last night, just when I thought they were well enough to go back to school today, I checked their temps and they were back up to 102.

In other less plague-y news, the lovely Tina Holland interviewed me. It’s posted on her blog today. Stop by and say hi! 🙂

0 thoughts on “A new interview!

  1. Oh, honey! I'm so sorry your little guys are ill – I'm sending +++ healing thoughts to you all!


  2. I am so sorry you guys caught the plague!

  3. Anny Cook says:

    Hope the boys are feeling better soon!

  4. Ashley Ladd says:

    Hugs. They have the actual swine flu? Of course I hear it's going around but I haven't known anyone personally who has it.

    I hope they're better very soon and that you hold up well. It's hard being the caretaker, too.

  5. Kim Dare says:

    Lovely interview, Bronwyn. Hope the boys are feeling better soon.

    Take care of yourself too.

  6. kavita says:

    hope your boys get better soon!

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