Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Like a moron, I waited to schedule all of the appointments that needed scheduling until right before school. In retrospect, I realize I should have done it right after the kids got out for summer vacation. Hindsight is a lovely thing.

So last Monday, I brought the boys school shopping. We went with the girls I do daycare for and their mom. OMG. I had forgotten how much of a pain in the butt girls are to shop with. In every single store (even if they didn’t get anything) it took the B and Jess for times longer than it took Killian and Corwin. It would have been a lovely little socio-scientific observation if I hadn’t been ready to strangle them. I think their mom was even more annoyed! (For more on boys/men and how they think, check out Brynn’s blog today – it’s awesome!)

On Tuesday, I had to get my new bifocal contacts checked. (That’s what I get for spending so much time on the computer!) and Corwin had to go to the dentist for fillings.

On Wednesday, the poor little bug got fitted for braces.

On Thursday, there were appointments at the doctor’s office.

On Friday, I had to quick make a Pocahontas costume for my niece’s birthday party on Saturday and then drive three hours to Detroit to go to the party.

We’re back to Monday and I just got back from Killian’s high school orientation (yikes!), Corwin gets his braces on Wednesday and school starts next Tuesday. Somewhere in here, I have to write a book – the deadline is bearing down like a freight train.

0 thoughts on “Wait…what time was that appointment?

  1. Dakota Rebel says:

    Holy crow darling. That’s a lot of stuff crammed into that short amount of time. Oy.I’m glad you survived it all okay. Yikes.XoXoXoDakota Rebel

  2. anny cook says:

    Heh… you didn’t need sleep, right? Best wishes with the book!

  3. Listen to the voice of experience – this will pass. Repeat after me. This will pass.Bifocals? Dearie, try trifocals. It’s so sad how age creeps up on us.Good luck with the writing.

  4. Am sending Lassie to help you find your way out:) She’ll also bring chocolate…

  5. I feel your pain, Bron. But you will not only pull it all off, you will look fabulous while doing so and make it look easy.

  6. Yes! And then there are haircuts and new shoes and… bleah. I always hate that week-before-school. The only happy thing is, it only lasts a week. Then we all take a very, very deep breath in the silence of home without kids in it.

  7. You have seemed to have a huge amount of appointments…Ah-hem…let’s not stereotype girled because of B and J. Not all girls are like that. I know some who would rather eat bugs than be caught in a store for hoooooouuurs.

  8. Sandra Cox says:

    Ms. Bron, you’ve been tagged…

  9. I’m tired just reading this. I think I’ll go have a nap for you.How’d the braces go?

  10. Kelly Kirch says:

    Sure. The ONE DAY I don’t check your blog, you post. Of course. I was wondering what you were up to. Knew you were busy but sheesh, woman. Take a breath.J is like your boys. She likes girls stuff and comfy stuff but she points and decides quickly. P is ridiculous! She touches everything, ponders, taps her lip, cocks her head, says no, moves on…. I HATE shopping with that kid. It’s the same for toys or gifts.

  11. Ashley Ladd says:

    This year, we got DD#2’s school physical done at the beginning of summer – only because her softball coach told us about a free day to do so. Otherwise, I usually forget and have to do everything last minute, too. In fact, I was on vacation in Cincinnati, so DS#1 was kind enough to take her for me.

  12. We started school this week. I am at a loss for what I’m supposed to do now that the perfect storm of doctors appointments and shopping is done.OH, but JOY! I left a bag full of uniforms and new shoes at Target and didn’t realize it until THIS MORNING.

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