Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

My day job involves children. I take them to and from school, I tutor, I teach them things like sewing, weaving grapevine wreaths, a little pottery here and there, sarcasm and creative insults. Most days, it’s a pretty good gig.

One of my day care moms is awesome. She’s been with me for twelve years. The other mom makes me grind my teeth on an almost daily basis, but back to the other one. She and her girls are basically family – I’d do anything for them and vise verse.

Tonight was one of those nights. B (short for Abby) had a loose tooth. She’s nine and an absolute FREAK about losing teeth. She’ll let the loose ones stay in until they reattach or the new one grows in all wonky next to it. She begs me to help her get it out and then kicks and screams when I try.
Her mom can’t pull them because it queases her out. It doesn’t bother me so I do it. Last time I had to pull one out, my youngest son made me a scythe out of legos and named me the Tooth Reaper. I tried to talk B into letting me take care of it before she left, but she was having none of it, so it was no surprise when her mom called an hour later. I could have had her bring B back over here but really, I figured I’d save everyone’s ear drums and drive over there. Man that kid can scream…

Anyway, the Tooth Reaper made a house call. She came. She conquered. There was screaming, tears and recriminations, but the Tooth Fairy will be making an appearance at B’s house tonight. Here’s hoping that she wasn’t scarred for life. Too much, anyway.

Back to the regularly scheduled contest…
Do you want to win some fantastic holiday reading? If so come celebrate the Twelve days of Romance with 12 authors from Ellora’s Cave, Wild Rose Press, Total-E-Bound and Cerridwen Press. Each day beginning December 8th and running through December 19th one of the twelve authors will tell what their “True love gave to them” on either their blog or website.Collect all twelve answers and e-mail them to with 12 days of Romance in the subject line to win some great books.

Deadlinefor answers is December 21st at midnight EST.There will be three lucky winners. The prizes –1st prize–6 books 2nd prize–4 books 3rd prize–2 books. All books and prize winners will be drawn randomly.
Anny Cook Winter Hearts
Sandra Cox Boji Stones
Bronwyn Green Ronan’s Grail
Heather Hiestand Cards Never Lie
Barbara Huffert Deal of a Lifetime
Amarinda Jones Mad About Mirabelle
Kelly Kirch Time for Love
Cindy Spencer Pape Cowboy’s Christmas Bride
Brynn Paulin Fallen
Jacquéline Roth Access Denied
KZ Snow Mrs. Claws
Lacey Thorn Earth Moves

0 thoughts on “The Tooth Reaper Makes Housecalls

  1. Cripes! You’re scary. I thought you were this nice sedate mid west girl…jeeze, you’re frightening

  2. Kelly Kirch says:

    Do you drive to Indiana? I’m a quese-myster too. Bleck. I love the nickname though, me. Tooth Reaper sounds so deadly wicked, you practically have to have your own theme music.

  3. I have one child who rips his teeth out the minute they become loose, and another who lets her new teeth grow in around the loose ones. I’m not the least bit queasy when it comes to pulling other children’s teeth! I guess that makes me your Indiana counterpart…

  4. Anny Cook says:

    When/if you read Daffodil, you’ll meet the Pansy the tooth faery–not scary at all.

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